
Friday, August 10, 2012

LA Fashion Bloggers, Joseph Lee, dan 1 lainnya berbagi dengan Anda di Google+

Halo Budi!
Inilah konten teratas minggu ini.
Tim Google+
Pos terbaru dari lingkaran AndaLihat semua pos terbaru
Nothing like a glass of wine on a warm summer night! Catch up with #lipsticklaceandlattes very own +Hazzle Andrada during her night on the town!
Good Company, Wine & Laughs
For our Wine Dinner Party I wanted to go a little simple. I wasn't crazy about the length of my dress when I first got it, but the studs on [...]
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So apparently machines that spew out soft-serve Mashed Potato's are a thing. I don't want to live on this planet anymore :/
13 komentar - 4 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Konten terpopuler di Google+Lihat yang lagi ngetren
Inspired by our #Cadbury2012  Crunchie medals but looking for a greater challenge? Try matching this creation by chef Ashley McCarthy who baked it to raise funds for the Martin House Children's Hospice of Boston Spa.

#London2012 - Read more about it: 
+624 - 183 komentar - 137 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Drunk Tourist Falls Asleep On Baggage Belt; Discovered In X-Ray Machine

A drunk Norwegian tourist crawled onto a baggage conveyer belt at Rome's Fiumicino airport and fell asleep next to his luggage. He traveled on the conveyer for about 15 minutes, sound asleep, before being spotted on the security X-ray scanner.

Posted first on Google+ by +Anders Grydeland
+1056 - 317 komentar - 373 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Antarctica, 1961: A Soviet Surgeon Has to Remove His Own Appendix

In 1961, Rogozov was stationed at a newly constructed Russian base in Antarctica. The 12 men inside were cut off from the outside world by the polar winter by March of that year. In April, the 27-year-old Rogozov began to feel ill, very ill. His symptoms were classic: he had acute appendicitis. "He knew that if he was to survive he had to undergo an operation," the British Medical Journal recounted. "But he was in the frontier conditions...
+1881 - 500 komentar - 837 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
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