
Friday, September 7, 2012

Richard Branson, Samantha Villenave, dan 1 lainnya berbagi dengan Anda di Google+

Halo Budi!
Inilah konten teratas minggu ini.
Tim Google+
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Impatience Is A Virtue! Inspiring night at #VMPTheProject, enthusiasm of brilliant young organisers is rubbing off
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Konten terpopuler di Google+Lihat yang lagi ngetren
The grass is almost always greener to women, for starters, a new study says—and such differences could have roots deep in human evolution.
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A stunning set of photos from the 2012 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.

This is the the Milky Way from the Uludag National Park in Turkey:
"The stunning natural spectacle hangs above manmade pockets of light from the towns and villages below."

Photograph: Tun Tezel/Royal Observatory
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Space shuttle Endeavour, mounted atop NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, will make its final ferry flight from Kennedy Space Center in Florida to Los Angeles International Airport. The aircraft is scheduled to depart Sept. 17 for its multi-day journey.  Is your area in the planned route? Read more about the ferry flight schedule here:

And let us know if you see it! #spottheshuttle #OV105
(OV105 = Endeavour's orbiter vehicle designation)

In this photo, Endeavour sits atop ...
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