
Friday, October 19, 2012

MAKE, Chictopia, dan 1 lainnya berbagi dengan Anda di Google+

Halo Budi!
Inilah konten teratas minggu ini.
Tim Google+
Pos terbaru dari lingkaran AndaLihat semua pos terbaru
13 Halloween costume ideas that go the extra mile to be remarkable. Share your own favorites in the comments section!
7 komentar - 1 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Sometimes things get more beautiful after the sunset.
3 komentar - 5 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Konten terpopuler di Google+Lihat yang lagi ngetren
Tungurahua Erupts

Volcano Tungurahua sometimes erupts spectacularly. On this picture, molten rock so hot it glows visibly pours down the sides of the 5,000-meter high Tungurahua, while a cloud of dark ash is seen being ejected toward the left. Wispy white clouds flow around the lava-lit peak, while a star-lit sky shines in the distance. This image was captured in 2006 as ash fell around the adventurous photographer. Located in Ecuador, Tungurahua has become active roughly every 90 years for the last...
+1067 - 160 komentar - 215 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Learn how to build an HTML5 game? Sign up for my new course on UDACITY!

I've teamed up with the UDACITY folks to create a new class that teaches you how to build rich, performance focused HTML5 games. During the course, I'll be utilizing the GRITS codebase (, to teach students the secret tricks that game devs have been using for years. 

If you're interested in game development, and web development, sign up now!
Udacity - HTML5 Game Development Course (CS 255)
Colt McAnlis. Colt McAnlis is a Developer Advocate at Google focusing on Chrome Games and Native Client; Before that, he was a systems & graphics programmer in the games industry working at Blizza...
+407 - 55 komentar - 244 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Notifikasi ini telah dikirim ke ingin menerima pembaruan tak berkala tentang aktivitas dan saran teman Google+? Ubah jenis email yang dikirim Google+ kepada Anda.Tim Google+


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