
Friday, October 5, 2012

Marc Jacobs Intl, Volkswagen USA, dan 1 lainnya berbagi dengan Anda di Google+

Halo Budi!
Inilah konten teratas minggu ini.
Tim Google+
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We love how Fashionvibe wears her Protect the Skin You're In tee!
Get yours here:
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New photos of display vehicle during public day at Paris Motor show 2012.
...dan 13 foto lainnya.
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This kind of brilliant blue is caused when ice is under such tremendous pressure that the air bubbles in it are literally compressed out and, since air-free ice absorbs every color in the spectrum except for blue, the blue is reflected back to our eyes.

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                Magic Pen

Recorder is this magic pen that converts your written notes into electronic files and then transfers it to your phone and computer via Bluetooth. I think it's a great idea and can actually encourage us writers to take to the book and pen more often. I bet authors and illustrators will love it too! My only wish – it auto spellchecks the files.
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