
Friday, November 30, 2012

MAKE,, dan 1 lainnya berbagi dengan Anda di Google+

Halo Budi!
Inilah konten teratas minggu ini.
Tim Google+
Pos terbaru dari lingkaran AndaLihat semua pos terbaru
Homemade chocolate-dipped marshmallows (sprinkled with crushed peppermint candy cane). Package some up in a tin for a yummy holiday gift!

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Southern California is green car country, and +BMW, +Chevrolet and +Fiat rolled out three compelling electric cars for the L.A. Auto Show. All will go into production within 3 years: ^ER
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Thought-Printing Machine: 3D Printer + brain-computer interface

This project plans to combine the Emotiv EEG headset with 3D printing to create mind-controlled 3D modeling software for kids:

via another fascinating post by +Koen De Paus
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Konten terpopuler di Google+Lihat yang lagi ngetren
North Korean archaeologists discover unicorn lair. 

If you thought the hermit kingdom couldn't get any more unhinged, the country's Academy of Social Sciences has recently "reconfirmed a lair of the unicorn rode by King Tongmyong, founder of the Koguryo Kingdom."

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Your smartphone knows a tremendous amount of information about you. 

This infographic explores the amount of privacy you are giving up by using location based apps:
+423 - 224 komentar - 150 pembagianLihat atau komentari pos ini »
Notifikasi ini telah dikirim ke ingin menerima pembaruan tak berkala tentang aktivitas dan saran teman Google+? Ubah jenis email yang dikirim Google+ kepada Anda.Tim Google+


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